Friday, July 31, 2015

A Little Break from GAM Con Painting

Sometimes I miss pencils.

Everything I've been making for GAM Con has been digital. 99.9% of my gallery is digital.
There are a lot of advantages, and I enjoy it.


Sometimes I just really miss using a pencil. Real paint. Charcoal. You know.
The traditional stuff.

So sometimes I draw stuff like this:

Aaaaah. Feels good.

Hobbit Illustration #12 is DONE

Behold: In Search of a Burglar, the beginning of the adventure.

Now I have enough to put a Hobbit calendar together. I'll be using Redbubble to put the calendar together, so if you are interested, that's where you can go to order it.

To commemorate finishing the Hobbit illustrations, let's have a puppet.

A Legend of Zelda puppet!

Inspired by Majora's Mask, which I've been rediscovering on the 3DS lately


This can also be ordered on Redbubble on almost all their products - phone cases, tablet cases, notebooks, journals, mugs, etc. Give it a look, tell me if I should change anything.

Gotta sign off now. Lots to do today.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Last Homely House

Hobbit illustration 11 of 12 is completed.

Here is Elrond, revealing the secret of Moon Runes to Thorin & co.

Originally these illustrations were supposed to be quick, cute and simple.
This one took forever. What took the most time?
The. MAP.
Freaking jeez-louise, why do I obsess over details??

It turned out, though. So no regrets.

But srsly, on the next one, I have got to loosen up and finish quicker.

Next: In Search of a Burglar.

Also!! I am crocheting some trinkets to sell at GAM Con. I've started the Totoro plushies,

Adorbz, right?

What about you? Are you coming to GAM Con? Is there anything you'd like me to paint/crochet for you? Cuz I'll do it!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Still Painting for GAM Con

Behold: The Baggins Estate Auction.

I hope you can see Bilbo's face. But if you can't on your screen, come see me at GAM Con to see it in print. You'll love it.

This will also be in print available to purchase at my table:

Questions about the convention? Want a print? Message me on Facebook or email me at

I hope you can come!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

GAM Prepping... Part 2

Painting painting painting

It feels so good to be painting painting painting.

Worked for about 4 hours straight this morning, no interruptions, because my awesome husband wants me to finish these as much as I do. Thanks, hon!

Here's some more of what will be at my table at GAM Con:

More Dwarves?! -poor Beorn
Barrel Rider!
Hide and Seek with Smaug
Gotta paint more. The Hobbit pics still need a scene from Elrond's House, running from the Wargs, and I think we need to see the look on Bilbo's face when he arrives to the Shire just in time for the Baggins Estate Auction. :)

Back to painting painting painting!

Monday, July 6, 2015

GAM Prepping...part 1

There's a local convention coming up in August. It's called G.A.M. Con - Games, Anime, and More (their facebook page is here). Just a little gathering of awesomeness and family fun.

My sister Good Moe-Jo and I are going to have an artist's booth together. If you're in the Vernal area, you ought to come see us! We're going to set up our laptops and television screens so you can watch us paint digitally. It's going to be great!

I'm finished the Hobbit illustration series for the convention. Here's a preview of what will be there:

Riddles in the Dark

Sleeping Smaug

Unexpected Party
 I'm excited for the convention even though anime fascination was years ago...and the only game I really consistently play is The Legend of Zelda...but I've got the "more" part totally covered!

There will be some Zelda pictures, Studio Ghibli fanart, and awesome crocheted goodies.

But what about puppets? Will puppets be there?

Um...yes. Sort of. I mean...sure! Puppets will be there! 

Subscribe to this blog or my facebook page to keep up with my G.A.M. Con progress. And I hope to see you there!