Tuesday, August 25, 2015

So...how was GAM Con?

I would love to share the new things I've been painting (and crocheting) but...

....I can't.

Because they're all Christmas gifts.

For people who read this blog.

So that will have to wait for a bit. So let's talk about GAM Con!

Good Moe-Jo and I shared a table where we set up two big screens and painted! Digitally!

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A little girl with fairy wings stopped to watch just as I was thinking, 'I want to paint a fairy.' So she modeled for me.

Thanks to my efforts, dice all over the Uintah Basin are happier in their Triforce Dice Bag homes. Many bedrooms are brighter with Totoro plushie smiles. And some walls are infinitely cooler, now adorned with creepy puppets and Super Smash Puppets art prints.

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ALSO! I met some very cool people in the artist's alley including Jordan and Kymi of Ever After Games and Kira of Sun and Moon Creations.

In fact, Jordan is pulling some strings to host another convention in Cedar City.

Would you be interested in seeing the Cedar City Pop Culture Convention? If so, visit their Facebook page and help us make it happen!

So that was GAM Con, from my vantage point. Lots of fun games and fun people and fun times. Glad I went.

Next GAM Con is in March 2016. Will I see you there?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hobbit Calendar

I've been awake since 5:30 this morning and after 3 hours I finally got The Hobbit calendar put together.

Click here to look at it now!

It's available to order from the Redbubble shop (link is at the top of the page) for $24. No lie, calendars are my FAVORITE Christmas gift. I'm really depressed when I don't get a calendar for Christmas, so I'm really happy this is done in time for the holidays.

And because I'm feeling generous, I want to give out some FREE art in celebration of the calendar being completed. To the first 5 people who buy a calendar, I will send one of the original sketches of The Hobbit illustrations.

Want free, original artwork? Order a calendar and then talk to me. One of these could be yours:


Friday, August 14, 2015

Last Picture for the GAM Con

...GAM Con is tomorrow!!

One last Legend of Zelda picture for the Con and my supply is complete.

Remember how I've been playing Majora's Mask?

Do you love it?? I DO.

If you want one, come to GAM Con tomorrow and say hi to me. Or email me at SuspendedDreamsArt@gmail.com and tell me what size you want
(8x11" - $12, 11x14" - $20)

I don't know if I shared this here or not...I think I forgot to...but maybe you saw it on the Reddit /r/gaming page:

A really awesome friend shared it on Reddit and apparently it exploded. Which was awesome.
Thanks, awesome friend. I owe you one.