Saturday, July 18, 2020

Commissioned Work and Other Projects

Someone reached out to me the other day to commission me for a drawing. I love getting commissions!

Anyway, it was for a boy as a birthday gift for his girlfriend. The scene: the first time he noticed her, 6th grade art class. This is how it turned out:

Looking at this makes me feel woefully out of practice, but he likes it. And if the customer is happy, then I guess I'm happy, too.

I've also been coloring some of my basic sketches, here's how they are going so far:

Fun times.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Whirlwind of Junicorn!

I kept myself really busy in June by doing a challenge called "Junicorn."
I think a couple of other people have done it, but I made it up as a summer activity to do with my daughter. She joined me in a couple of them, and colored a lot of the ones I drew, but it was mostly me.

Here are some of my favorites:

Unicorn meets Narwhal

Breaking out of the norm and dabbling in sculpture!


Trying to think outside the box

Unicorn with a princess rider

Me, as a unicorn (unicorn-sona?)

Again, getting outside the box

Junicorn Finale: find the unicorn!

Lunar unicorn

There were many, many more (you can see all of them in my Junicorn2020 Album on my facebook page:

I want to color some of these, especially my favorites, but coloring takes a lot more time than quick sketching (especially with young kids around...young, curious kids with sticky fingers, yikes!), but I'll work on it as I can.

There is so much turmoil in the world today, not just the pandemic but the economy and politics and social unrest. It can be overwhelming and I often find myself wondering what I should be doing, if there's anything I can do, about it all.

And here are the answers I've been led to:
  • Care for my family, especially my kids
  • Appreciate the good moments in the present
  • Do something creative every day
Maybe these points will help you, too. Maybe not. They've provided a good compass for me, personally, and I intend to stick with them as long as they remain relevant.