Saturday, May 31, 2014

End of May. Finally.

Ran into a couple of speed bumps finishing this puppet (major one being I decided to change the light source - yikes) and even with all that, I totes finished within the 10 day goal.

< Victory Dance />

Here's the finished piece (in case you didn't see it on Facebook already)

Sinister Descent
Prints available on Redbubble (they have amazing prints - anything from paper or canvas to wood and even metal. Amazing prints, you've got to check it out) as well as cases and clothing.

Speaking of which, this is what he looks like on apparel (t-shirts, hoodies, and the like)

 I created products on Zazzle, and they will be published soon. All the other puppets are there, so you can check out puppets on stuff like keychains, buttons, playing cards, clocks, jewelry, etc etc etc...all kinds of random and cool stuff.

When I get 12 puppets I'm going to make a Creepy Puppet Calendar, and we're more than halfway there! Yes!

Alright you lovely people, keep sharing, liking, and spreading the word about Suspended Dreams, it really makes a difference. If you have suggestions for me, please send me a message or leave a comment, I love feedback.

Oh! One last thing!
You're awesome.
Don't ever forget it.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Moon and Stars Suspended - Revisited

Thank you  to everyone who -
A) likes the facebook page
B) watches me on dA
C) reads this blog
D) follows me on Twitter and/or Google+
E) all of the above

I appreciate your support more than you can know. YOU are the reason I have momentum to keep doing this crazy thing called Art.

Speaking of momentum, my top concern right now is that I need more paintings. I need more in my portfolio. I need to work faster.

So about a week ago, under the wise counsel of a friend and fellow artist, I made the goal to finish one new painting every 10 days.

7 days later:

Goal pwned!
 I really love the image of the crescent moon and stars being stitched together and suspended in the air. The colors are similar to a previous painting and I'm still torn as to whether it would have been smarter to use a different pallet.

You're welcome to weigh in on the debate, of course.


I've got another puppet painting in the works right now. He's being stubborn, so I'm not going to give you a sneak peek just yet....what's that?

I guess that's a good point.


Okay, fine. You can have one tiny peek....

Sheesh, twist my arm, why don't ya?

In all seriousness, I'm very excited about this purple puppet you see above. I've still got kinks to work out with values and the color scheme (which you are also welcome to weigh in on, I love comments in all forms), but I think he's going to be knock-your-socks-off amazing when he's done.

And when's he going to be done?

Within 10 days. 

Das right. Cuz das how we do.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Time Is Now Upon Us

I finished!!

I've been looking forward to seeing this guy completed since I first sketched him out in the margin of my notebook.

And he does not disappoint.

(well, I think he's pretty cool, anyway)

What do you think?

This puppet holds some meaning for me, but I'm curious, what do you think when you see this?

The insights of others gives me broader understanding of my own work. It helps me see the reasons behind decisions that were mainly instinctual.

Does it resonate with any experience you've had? Someone you know? Yourself?
I would love to hear about it!

Drumroll, Please

Congratulations, you're patience has paid off!

Today I present to you, in all it's glory...

...the newest addition to the Creepy Puppet Family....

...and here he is, folks!



...oh dear. Hold on, ladies and gentlemen, I've just received a note from my manager. Let's see, reading the note now...
Ah. Yes. Well...ahem.

My sincere apologies, dear readers, it seems there has been a slight setback.

While the greatly anticipated Creepy Puppet is getting ready, enjoy these sketches of paintings to come. We love comments, of course. Let us know which one YOU are most looking forward to (your favorite just might get bumped up on the to-paint list *wink*).

Some puppet interaction, finally!

We need another puppet with crazy eyes, don't we?

As long as we're talking about "needs," this painting NEEDS to happen, right?

Please comment, either here or on Facebook. Brand new puppet painting is on its way, fret not, and in the meantime, we'll speculate, conversate, and mitigate...or something like that.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Because You're Wonderful

For everyone who has supported my art, from encouraging words to clicking the "like" button on Facebook, I thank you all.

Please keep commenting and sharing with your friends. There are people out there who need creepy puppet paintings in their lives, and we must find them. 

And goofy-eyed crochet owls, too. Everyone needs a goofy-eyed crochet owl in their life.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sneak Peek of Tonight's Project

Free owl offers are now closed.

It was a pretty crazy run! Thank you to everyone for liking and sharing and getting the word out to your friends. We went from 48 likes to 110 likes in about 14 days.

*does some mathing*

That's about 4 new likes per day. Which is WAY more than I could have done on my own, so thank you. From the bottom of my creepy puppet heart. Thank you.

More creepy puppet paintings to come soon. I'm planning on working on the newest sketch tonight. Here's a quick look at what it looks like as of now.

He's going to be brilliant, I'm so excited to start.

Also, I know there are some who wanted a free owl but didn't have time to get one. Fret not, they are on etsy for a mere $5. And special Graduation owls for only $2 more.

Etsy Shop

Thanks to all you lovely supporters. You are great, don't ever forget it.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Owl Giveaway will be over on Monday!

Time is running short to get your free owl -

- Monday May 5th will be the last day you can earn a free owl by getting 2 friends to Like the Suspended Dreams Facebook page.

Act fast, this weekend is crunch time. Share on your page, comment on the page, keep liking posts. Free owls will come to you!

If 2 of your friends already like Suspended Dreams and you haven't gotten an owl, please message me! I'm very friendly, I don't bite, and I'm more than happy to make an owl for you. Ecstatic to make an owl for you! But you gotta let me know.

But Kenna, I really really really want an owl, they're so adorable, but what if none of my friends are cool enough to like your page?

Do not despair, neither let your heart be troubled! Owls are available in the Etsy store! Still made in whatever color you request, still hand-crafted with love and gratitude by Yours Truly.
Check it out: Easy $5 Gift for any occasion or event.

Keep being awesome. I mean it.