Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year!

Another year come and gone.

I've been MIA here, I know. Wondering what I've been up to? Click here to see the page for Miss Hobbit Crochet, which has been sucking up all my time.

That and Tapastic.

And my daughter.

And husband.

Pretty much in that order.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Christmastime Approacheth....

Really, really thought I could do GraNoWriMo, or at least NaNoWriMo...but there's just no time.


Because it's time to think about CHRISTMAS.

But what about Thanksgiving?? - comes the familiar whine.

If you wait til after Thanksgiving to put your Christmas gifts together, you will come to loathe the Christmas season. No time to wait. graphic novel awesomeness this month. But after the holidays...? Who knows, the future is full of possibility.

Want to see the kind of stuff I'm making for Christmas gifts??

I know you do.

Anna from Frozen!

Anna and Elsa together, sister power!

Elsa from Frozen!

 Super cute, right? Yeah, I'm really hooked on making these little dolls right now. (get it? Hooked? Cuz they're crocheted...with crochet hooks? HA. HA.)

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Last Day of Drawlloween and Inktober

Happy Halloween!

I had so much fun with Drawlloween this year. Jo (of Good Moe-Jo) has convinced me that we should do a GraNoWriMo version of NaNoWriMo (Graphic Novel Writing Month).

More on that after some Halloween pictures!

Day 26 - Rat

Day 27 - Witch

Day 28 - Black Cat

Day 29 - Scarecrow

Day 30 - Spider (Ha!)

Day 31 - Dragon (so fearsome!)
Ahhh, that was fun.

So, me and Jo, doing GraNoWriMo. Basic idea is to draw 30 pages of a graphic novel. For those who don't know: it takes A LOT of work to make a page if you're working alone. Roughs, inking, color, word bubbles....there's a lot of work. These pages will be in the rough draft stage, for sure.

But, srsly, 30 pages of a graphic novel, even if they're rough drafts, would be pretty awesome. So let's do it!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Reunited with the Scanner

Was away from my scanner for a few days, but I was still drawing for Drawlloween!


Here we go.

Day 22 - Candy

Day 23 - Gore, Al. You know, that guy? He used to be a big deal, kind of?

Day 24 - Skeleton

Day 25 - Mummy. Cutest mummy ever? Nailed it.
Drawlloween is fun, but it's winding down. Less than a week now til Halloween. What am I going to do for November?

Oh yeah. NaNoWriMo!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Some Minor Drawlloween Cheating

Can't believe how easy it is to fall behind in this Drawlloween thing. As soon as I catch up, I fall a day behind again!

Epic Catch Up!

Day 19 - Creature from the Black Lagoon

Day 20 - Skull (cat skull)
 And a special surprise for Day 21 (today). Let's consult the list again, shall we?

8-Bit Zombie?? Ugh. Boring. I don't do pixel art. Let's replace that one.

Day 21 - Cauldron!
 I really want to re-do that least the cauldron is nice. :P

Sunday, October 18, 2015

More Halloween Sketches

17 - Demon
18 - Mask

Not sure why but I could not come up with any inspiration for "Demon." I thought of Demon Llama (Kuzko? Anyone? Squeak squeaken?) but I could not summon up any desire to draw a demon.

So in 30 seconds, I did this:

Day 17 - Demon
Ta-da. A demon.

Mask was waaaay more fun.

When looking up reference photos for Raven, I found a raven mask. And it was gorgeous. This is a version of it.
Also qualifies for Inktober (boo-yah)!

See you again tomorrow!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Drawlloween Amulets

Still catching up on Drawlloween. I planned on doing Alien, Raven, and Amulet.

I ended up with Alien and 2 Amulets.

Things happen. It's Drawlloween, just go with it.

Day 10 - Alien ...aliens just want candy, too

Day 15 - Amulet
Day 15 - Another Amulet ...I meant to put the skull in the first one but forgot, heh. Oops.

See you tomorrow (with a Raven this time, I promise)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Drawlloween Catch-Up Continues

Had a lot of fun with the Drawlloween challenge tonight.

At first I thought I'd lump days 7-11 together into one big poker game in a haunted house, but I enjoyed each one on its own this time.

Poker game next time.

Day 7 - Haunted House

Day 8 - Zombie

Day 9 - Eyeball ...eyeballs...maybe this one was cheating a little

Day 13 - Frankenstein

Day 14 - Bat ...not cheating, this is clearly a Halloween bat ;)

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Good heavens, where have I been for the last MONTH??

Crocheting the crap out of everything.

My art studio space was hijacked for a couple weeks, so I turned to my second obsession: crochet. And once you start, it's hard to stop.


I found out about Drawlloween

And now my sketchbook and I can be friends again

I didn't find out about it until the 11th, so I'm behind. But I'm catching up!!

Day 1: Ghost

Day 2-5: Goblin, Vampire, Devil, and Werewolf. Is combining them like this considered cheating? Or clever?

Day 6: Pumpkin

Day 12 (yesterday): The Moon
Rough sketches because I did them in a frantic rush at 1:00 am last night. But it's a fun challenge and it keeps me drawing.

Want to do Drawlloween with me? Like me on, and post your pictures with #Drawlloween or #Drawlloween2015

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 was GAM Con?

I would love to share the new things I've been painting (and crocheting) but...

....I can't.

Because they're all Christmas gifts.

For people who read this blog.

So that will have to wait for a bit. So let's talk about GAM Con!

Good Moe-Jo and I shared a table where we set up two big screens and painted! Digitally!

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A little girl with fairy wings stopped to watch just as I was thinking, 'I want to paint a fairy.' So she modeled for me.

Thanks to my efforts, dice all over the Uintah Basin are happier in their Triforce Dice Bag homes. Many bedrooms are brighter with Totoro plushie smiles. And some walls are infinitely cooler, now adorned with creepy puppets and Super Smash Puppets art prints.

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ALSO! I met some very cool people in the artist's alley including Jordan and Kymi of Ever After Games and Kira of Sun and Moon Creations.

In fact, Jordan is pulling some strings to host another convention in Cedar City.

Would you be interested in seeing the Cedar City Pop Culture Convention? If so, visit their Facebook page and help us make it happen!

So that was GAM Con, from my vantage point. Lots of fun games and fun people and fun times. Glad I went.

Next GAM Con is in March 2016. Will I see you there?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hobbit Calendar

I've been awake since 5:30 this morning and after 3 hours I finally got The Hobbit calendar put together.

Click here to look at it now!

It's available to order from the Redbubble shop (link is at the top of the page) for $24. No lie, calendars are my FAVORITE Christmas gift. I'm really depressed when I don't get a calendar for Christmas, so I'm really happy this is done in time for the holidays.

And because I'm feeling generous, I want to give out some FREE art in celebration of the calendar being completed. To the first 5 people who buy a calendar, I will send one of the original sketches of The Hobbit illustrations.

Want free, original artwork? Order a calendar and then talk to me. One of these could be yours:


Friday, August 14, 2015

Last Picture for the GAM Con

...GAM Con is tomorrow!!

One last Legend of Zelda picture for the Con and my supply is complete.

Remember how I've been playing Majora's Mask?

Do you love it?? I DO.

If you want one, come to GAM Con tomorrow and say hi to me. Or email me at and tell me what size you want
(8x11" - $12, 11x14" - $20)

I don't know if I shared this here or not...I think I forgot to...but maybe you saw it on the Reddit /r/gaming page:

A really awesome friend shared it on Reddit and apparently it exploded. Which was awesome.
Thanks, awesome friend. I owe you one.

Friday, July 31, 2015

A Little Break from GAM Con Painting

Sometimes I miss pencils.

Everything I've been making for GAM Con has been digital. 99.9% of my gallery is digital.
There are a lot of advantages, and I enjoy it.


Sometimes I just really miss using a pencil. Real paint. Charcoal. You know.
The traditional stuff.

So sometimes I draw stuff like this:

Aaaaah. Feels good.

Hobbit Illustration #12 is DONE

Behold: In Search of a Burglar, the beginning of the adventure.

Now I have enough to put a Hobbit calendar together. I'll be using Redbubble to put the calendar together, so if you are interested, that's where you can go to order it.

To commemorate finishing the Hobbit illustrations, let's have a puppet.

A Legend of Zelda puppet!

Inspired by Majora's Mask, which I've been rediscovering on the 3DS lately


This can also be ordered on Redbubble on almost all their products - phone cases, tablet cases, notebooks, journals, mugs, etc. Give it a look, tell me if I should change anything.

Gotta sign off now. Lots to do today.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Last Homely House

Hobbit illustration 11 of 12 is completed.

Here is Elrond, revealing the secret of Moon Runes to Thorin & co.

Originally these illustrations were supposed to be quick, cute and simple.
This one took forever. What took the most time?
The. MAP.
Freaking jeez-louise, why do I obsess over details??

It turned out, though. So no regrets.

But srsly, on the next one, I have got to loosen up and finish quicker.

Next: In Search of a Burglar.

Also!! I am crocheting some trinkets to sell at GAM Con. I've started the Totoro plushies,

Adorbz, right?

What about you? Are you coming to GAM Con? Is there anything you'd like me to paint/crochet for you? Cuz I'll do it!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Still Painting for GAM Con

Behold: The Baggins Estate Auction.

I hope you can see Bilbo's face. But if you can't on your screen, come see me at GAM Con to see it in print. You'll love it.

This will also be in print available to purchase at my table:

Questions about the convention? Want a print? Message me on Facebook or email me at

I hope you can come!